10 Superbug Stories from 2024: Battling Resistance and Emerging Solutions

A growing crisis is spreading globally, driven by the emergence of “superbugs” that have developed extensive antibiotic resistance. These bacteria can no longer be cured with traditional antibiotics, posing a significant public health threat. Scientists are working to develop alternative treatments and strategies to combat the spread of superbugs.

Recent research has identified several key developments in the fight against superbugs:

1. A new antibiotic can kill carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB), a notorious superbug that is resistant to most existing drugs.
2. New strains of “hypervirulent” Klebsiella pneumoniae have been detected in 16 countries, including the US, and are causing severe infections even in people with robust immune systems.
3. A study found that certain superbugs can linger in the human body for up to five or nine years, posing a risk of recurrent infection and exposure to others.

Scientists are also exploring strategies to transform superbugs back into vulnerable bacteria using phages, viruses that attack bacteria. Additionally, researchers are investigating “heteroresistance,” where microbes can initially be vulnerable to antibiotics but then “turn on” their resistance when exposed to certain doses.

Other emerging solutions include the discovery of unique antibiotic compounds from Arctic Ocean microbes and a new fungal infection in China that has shown resistance to multiple antifungal drugs.

As the problem of antibiotic resistance continues to grow, it’s essential to stay informed about the latest developments in this critical area. Live Science will continue to document scientists’ efforts to combat superbugs and develop effective treatments.

Source: https://www.livescience.com/health/viruses-infections-disease/10-superbug-stories-from-bacterial-kryptonite-to-deep-sea-antibiotics