19 Bizarre Medical Facts That Will Leave You Speechless

From zombie fingers to webbed hands, our bodies are full of surprising secrets. Here are 19 bizarre medical facts that will leave you speechless.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have a bone mass on the roof of your mouth or an MRI scan of someone talking? These and many other medical mysteries are revealed in this list.

* You can cut off a tattoo instead of getting it laser removed.
* Conjoined fingers exist, but some people are born with partially conjoined ones.
* Pneumonia can cause fluid to accumulate in the lungs, which looks like a weird gel-like substance when drained.
* Frostbite and a three-second exposure to liquid propane can look similar on an X-ray.
* Your body has a natural ability to work out stuff from your skin, but sometimes things get lost inside.
* Some people are born missing or have extra fingers, some with functional joints.

Other bizarre medical facts include:
* A bone mass on the roof of your mouth can be painful.
* Swollen uvulas can grow up to 3 times their normal size.
* Tonsil stones can cause discomfort and are often removed.
* Bullet wounds can be pushed out by the body over time.
* Ingrown toenails can be incredibly painful, but some people have undergone “Forbidden Chopsticks” surgery to alleviate the issue.

Modern medicine is full of surprises. From eye grafts to retina detachment, our bodies are capable of incredible things. So next time you look at your hands or take a closer look at your body, remember: there’s more going on beneath the surface than meets the eye.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/absolutely-fascinating-body-photos