Rep Calls for Revoke of SpaceX CEO’s Access to NASA Headquarters

Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) has urged the acting head of NASA to revoke Elon Musk’s access to the space agency’s headquarters due to a potential conflict of interest. As SpaceX’s largest private contractor, receiving $2.3 billion from NASA in 2023, Musk’s access could compromise the integrity of the agency. Meng visited NASA personally to raise … Read more

RED Adopts Z-Mount for V-Raptor X and Komodo-X Cameras

RED Digital Cinema has announced that its V-Raptor [X] and Komodo-X cameras will now be compatible with Nikon’s Z-mount, providing filmmakers with access to a wider range of lenses and enhanced camera features. This collaboration marks the beginning of RED’s partnership with Nikon, which aims to empower filmmakers with greater artistic flexibility. The update allows … Read more

Website Blocked Due to Security Measures

A website is currently blocked due to its security measures, triggered by your recent action. This blockage may be caused by various factors, including submitting specific words or phrases, executing SQL commands, or sending malformed data. To resolve the issue, you can contact the site owner via email and provide them with information about what … Read more