As we bid farewell to 2024’s lunar launches, attention shifts to the upcoming missions set to land on the Moon in January 2025. NASA has partnered with commercial companies Intuitive Machines and i-space to return to the Moon using private contractors.
Intuitive Machines’ IM-2 mission aims to discover ice at the lunar South Pole. The lander will carry two payloads: a subsurface drill and mass spectrometer, and a Micro-Rover designed to hop across the surface. With a landing site too warm for surface ice, the rover is expected to have a higher chance of discovering ice.
Firefly’s Blue Ghost mission will also launch on a Falcon 9 rocket in January. Unlike IM-2, Firefly’s mission won’t have a single goal but instead aims to study various aspects of the lunar surface and solar science. NASA has high hopes for the company’s first landing attempt, despite the risks involved.
i-space’s second Hakuto-R lander will ride-share with Firefly, seeking to reattempt a successful landing on the lunar surface. The mission has already achieved several milestones, including establishing communication links and setting the lander on course for the Moon. With its objectives set, i-space is confident in its chances of success.
All three missions will take months to reach their orbits before attempting a soft landing on the lunar surface. While the odds are against them, each company has made significant progress in their preparations. As we wait to see which mission will succeed, one thing is certain – the future of lunar exploration is looking brighter than ever.