Scientists are making groundbreaking discoveries that are revolutionizing our understanding of the universe, human health, and technology. Here are five breakthroughs shaping our world today:
A team of researchers has discovered that immune cells in the skin create their own “bandages” to prevent harmful bacteria from spreading after an injury. White blood cells called neutrophils form a ring of protein-rich goo around areas where the skin has been breached, trapping pathogens.
Meanwhile, fresh data suggests that cosmic dark energy, the mysterious force driving galaxy acceleration, has weakened over billions of years. The amount of dark energy per cubic meter of space is now around 10% lower than it was 4.5 billion years ago.
Quantum communication just got a boost with researchers breaking the record for quantum distance record by sending an encryption key nearly 13,000 kilometers from China to South Africa via a microsatellite.
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are rapidly closing the gap on human computer programmers in long tasks, with some estimates suggesting that AIs will outpace humans in just four years. This raises questions about how AI will be used and its potential impact on society.
The growing number of satellites in Earth orbit is causing astronomers headaches, but a new tracking system is being developed to mitigate the issue. In related news, a court case in Australia is ongoing regarding the fate of Pleistocene human remains taken from Lake Mungo, with disagreements among scientists and Aboriginal Australian communities about whether the remains should be reburyed.
Lastly, physicists have created the tiniest light-emitting diode (LED) displays ever, with pixels just 90 nanometers wide – smaller than a virus.