5 Ways to Ease Chronic Pain This Winter

Millions of people in the UK suffer from chronic pain, which can significantly impact their daily lives. New figures reveal that 28 million adults live with some degree of chronic pain, with eight million reporting moderate to severe disabling conditions.

Chronic pain is a leading cause of disability in the UK, and winter often exacerbates symptoms. However, there are several ways to ease chronic pain this winter. Here are five quick and easy tips:

Applying heat to sore muscles or joints improves blood circulation, which can help alleviate discomfort and stiffness. Use heating pads, hot water bottles, or take a warm bath to target specific areas of pain.

A nutrient-rich diet plays a vital role in managing chronic pain. Focus on consuming fresh, whole foods while limiting processed food intake. Incorporate antioxidant-packed fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in anti-inflammatory compounds like fatty fish, nuts, and olive oil.

Staying properly hydrated is essential to reducing muscle stiffness and promoting overall health. Drink warm fluids like herbal tea or flavoured water, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and prioritize hydration to maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress on your bones.

Regular, moderate exercise can help manage stiffness in muscles and joints. Incorporate gentle activities into your daily routine, such as low-impact strength training, swimming, or walking for 20 minutes. Aim for frequent, smaller sessions rather than occasional intense sessions.

For managing long-term pain, over-the-counter painkillers like paracetamol can be a safe and effective option. Follow the recommended dosage instructions to manage pain effectively, especially during flare-ups or before exercise.

Source: https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/health/experts-five-steps-ease-chronic-30595062