50 Hilarious Photos of the Year That Will Make You Laugh

Here at the old BuzzFeed factories, I’ve been hard at work, boxing up and shipping out the internet’s funniest photos all year long. As 2024 wraps up, I thought it’d be fun to revisit some of the absolute funniest moments from the past year.

From a friend who sent a humorous response to a raise question, to a woman wearing a funny shirt to a drug screening, these photos showcase the lighter side of life. Whether it’s a cake that’s too perfect for words, or a sign in an eye doctor’s bathroom that will leave you giggling, we’ve got you covered.

Here are 50 hilarious moments from 2024 that will make you laugh:

1. A friend responded to a raise question with this ridiculous photo.
2. This woman wore the funniest shirt to a drug screening for her job.
3. A departing employee was gifted a cake that couldn’t have been more perfect.
4. Halloween brought some serious LOLs, including this frightening jack-o-lantern.
5. A decoration became 100% funny in hindsight, but may not make sense in 10 years.
6. An eye doctor posted this sign in their bathroom, leaving everyone giggling.
7. The makers of a bra were definitely extra.
8. A trucker had a warning for all of us.
9. Waxers got uncomfortably specific about what they did.
10. This person proved the world is flat – sort of.

11. A shirt made us realize even the ID-checking big guy has feelings too.
12. A bar in Japan has a sign that’s hilariously honest about after-hours shenanigans.
13. A business’s door looks drastically different when locked up tight.
14. People really, REALLY don’t want anyone messing with their chair.
15. Someone vacuumed the lawn at night – why, only they know.
16. Fountains outside an imaging center were quite the quirky choice.
17. An enthusiastic lover found this hilarious message on their phone after a night out.
18. A wife and her skincare mask startled her husband (and us).
19. A smart-ass did this while running a bath – no comment needed.
20. A care package for a coworker who spilled wine all over his shirts.

…and 30 more hilarious moments that will leave you smiling, including pranks gone wrong, weird fashion choices, and unexpected surprises.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mikespohr/the-funniest-photos-of-2024