To protect your eyes and preserve your vision health, it’s essential to stop these six common habits.
Firstly, using expired makeup can put your eyes at risk of infection. Always check the Period After Opening (PAO) stamp on your products and store them properly to prevent bacterial or mold growth.
Secondly, reusing contact lenses is a habit worth breaking. Daily contacts and interchangeable glasses can significantly reduce your chances of developing eye infections. One study found that people who wear reusable contact lenses are about four times more at risk of developing Acanthamoeba keratitis compared to daily contact users.
Thirdly, not wearing sunglasses can increase the risk of macular degeneration, cataracts, and skin cancer of the eyelid. Opt for 100% UV-protected sunglasses every time you step outside, even on cloudy days.
Fourthly, neglecting protective eyewear during sports or work activities can lead to preventable eye injuries. Wearing proper protection can save your vision from foreign objects, falls, or blunt trauma.
Fifthly, smoking doubles the risk of macular degeneration and increases the chances of cataracts. Quitting smoking would greatly benefit your eyesight.
Lastly, spending too much time on screens can cause digital eye strain or Computer Vision Syndrome. Take frequent breaks to relax your eyes, consider prescription lenses for computer use, and get regular eye check-ups to ensure you’re wearing the appropriate correction.
Remember to contact your eye care provider if you experience any changes in vision or eye health. By breaking these six habits, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing vision-related issues and preserve your overall eye health.