6 Warning Signs Your Computer is Infected with Malware

Malware is a common threat that can compromise your computer’s security, but what exactly does it look like? Here are six warning signs that indicate your computer may be infected with malware.

**Warning Sign #1: Forced Redirects**
If your browser keeps redirecting you to unexpected websites without warning, it could be a sign of malware. This type of redirect is not always caused by ads trying to get revenue; in fact, some sites use this tactic to drive users to their own ad-laden pages.

**Warning Sign #2: Overwhelming Pop-Ups**
Malware often tries to overwhelm you with pop-up ads that are designed to trick you into making a purchase or installing more malware. If you’re seeing ads everywhere on legitimate websites or even with an ad blocker installed, it’s likely caused by malware.

**Warning Sign #3: Scary Antivirus Warnings**
Fake antivirus software, also known as scareware, tries to scare users into paying for fake fixes. These programs often display alarming warnings about infected computers, but they’re just trying to trick you into buying their services.

**Warning Sign #4: Suspicious Social Media Posts**
If your social media accounts start posting content that you didn’t write, it could be a sign of malware infecting your computer. Malware can spread through social media by tricking users into clicking on infected links or posting malicious posts.

**Warning Sign #5: System Tool Blocking**
Malware can sometimes block access to system tools like the task manager or registry editor, making it harder to detect and remove the malware.

**Getting Rid of Malware**
Fortunately, most computers come with robust security software that’s just as effective as third-party antivirus programs. To stay safe:

* Keep your antivirus software up-to-date
* Avoid suspicious sites and files
* Disable unnecessary features like firewalls without a reason
* Consider using a VPN for added protection

If you’re still experiencing issues, consider using a specialized program like Malwarebytes to help remove malware from your computer.

Remember, even if nothing seems wrong with your computer now, some malware can operate in the background without causing any visible symptoms. Staying vigilant and keeping your antivirus software updated is key to protecting your data and maintaining your computer’s security.

Source: https://www.howtogeek.com/problems-on-your-computer-that-might-indicate-malware