7 Simple Cleaning Hacks for Seasonal Affective Disorder Sufferers

For those who experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), cleaning and organizing can be overwhelming. Research shows that shorter daylight hours contribute to decreased serotonin levels in the winter, leading to symptoms like difficulty sleeping, sadness, and a loss of interest in activities.

To tackle these feelings, mental health professionals recommend starting small. Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable ones. This might mean dusting only one surface at a time or dedicating 10 minutes each day to cleaning a specific area. Licensed clinical therapist Barbara Ferri advocates for the “10-minute timer” method, where consistent effort adds up to big changes.

Another strategy is to focus on what you’ve accomplished, rather than what you haven’t done. Create a “Done List” instead of a “To-Do List” and allow yourself to feel proud of your accomplishments. Social support from friends and family can also ease depression symptoms, so consider trying the buddy system.

Lastly, remember that imperfection is okay. When feeling overwhelmed, it’s essential to give yourself grace and remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can right now. A messy space doesn’t define your worth, and prioritizing self-care can help improve your mental health when energy levels have improved.

– Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: 800-826-3632
– National Alliance on Mental Illness: 800-950-6264
– Hopeline: 800-442-4673

Source: https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/seasonal-affective-disorder-cleaning-tips-37446692