Louisiana’s Health Department Banned from Promoting Vaccines

The Louisiana health department has been prohibited from advertising or promoting flu, COVID-19, and mpox vaccines due to a new policy change. The decision was made without public notice and has affected various aspects of the department’s work, including press releases, interviews, and social media posts.

According to sources, employees were informed of the policy in October and November meetings, and it is set to remain unchanged despite potential backlash. The health department has reevaluated its priorities and messaging around vaccine promotion, shifting towards an individualized approach that emphasizes personal choice rather than paternalistic guidance.

The move comes at a time when anti-vaccine sentiment and misinformation are on the rise nationwide. It also coincides with President-elect Trump’s appointment of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent anti-vaccine advocate, to head the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Source: https://arstechnica.com/health/2024/12/louisiana-bars-health-dept-from-promoting-flu-covid-mpox-vaccines-report