Mysterious Mastodon Jaw Found in Orange County Yard

A homeowner in Orange County, New York, stumbled upon a complete adult mastodon jaw while conducting yard work. The discovery, made with the help of researchers from the New York State Museum and SUNY Orange community college, has shed new light on the region’s Ice Age inhabitants.

The jaw, along with other bone fragments and teeth, will undergo carbon dating and comprehensive analysis to determine its age, diet, and habitat during its lifetime. The discovery marks the first mastodon jaw of this kind in 11 years, adding to the wealth of prehistoric wonders found in New York State.

According to Dr. Robert Feranec, director of Research & Collections at the museum, the finding is a significant contribution to understanding the state’s paleontological history. “This discovery provides a unique opportunity to study the ecology of this magnificent species, which will enhance our understanding of the Ice Age ecosystems from this region.”

The American mastodon went extinct around 11,000 years ago, and its remains are relatively rare compared to those of North American mammoths. The Orange County find is part of a growing body of evidence highlighting the area’s rich fossil record. Further analysis and preservation will be undertaken before the artifact is featured in public programming in 2025.

The discovery highlights the importance of continued exploration and research into New York State’s prehistoric past, providing valuable insights into the lives of Ice Age creatures that once roamed the region.
