Dialing 1-800-ChatGPT: A Novelty or Game-Changer?

ChatGPT’s new feature allows users to dial a toll-free number to interact with the AI chatbot via voice call. Tech columnist Jason Atten spoke to ChatGPT for 15 minutes, exploring its potential as a novelty or game-changer.

While phone calls are becoming increasingly rare, this gimmick is well-timed and attention-grabbing. OpenAI paid millions for the chat.com vanity URL to make this possible.

The experience was more of a party trick than a useful tool, working similarly to ChatGPT’s app but with a friendlier tone. However, it excelled at understanding voice prompts, which could lead to innovative conversations during the holidays.

What makes this feature brilliant is its accessibility and fun factor. By reducing friction associated with downloading apps or creating accounts, it exposes ChatGPT to a broader audience. This innovative approach may just be one of the smartest ideas seen yet.

Jason Atten, tech columnist, shared his thoughts on ChatGPT’s new feature, highlighting both its potential as a novelty and its ability to simplify interactions with AI chatbots.

Source: https://www.inc.com/jason-aten/1-800-chatgpt-ai-chatbot-might-be-the-smartest-idea-ive-seen-yet/91068963