Christmas may be coming, but it didn’t bring much wealth for its writers. The song ‘Christmas Is Coming’ was first published in 1885, and even then, a penny wasn’t worth as much as you’d think today.
If you’re looking for Saturday’s Wordle solution, it’s strong and big, with more consonants than vowels. After analyzing the word on Wordle Bot, I found the answer to be BRAWN. However, it seems my strategy was off, as Superman wasn’t a super guess, but rather a decent opener.
Competitive Wordle players earn points based on how many guesses they make within four turns. A single win is worth 1 point, while losing to the bot or opponent results in -1 or -3 points. Fridays offer double XP, so you can keep track of your score and compete with others for more points.
The word ‘brawn’ comes from Old French “braon”, meaning muscle, which derived from Late Latin “bracchium”. It initially referred to meat or muscle but eventually evolved into a term for physical strength in English.