The Jubilee Year of Hope invites us to reflect on the priest as a man of hope, particularly highlighting how priestly fatherhood is a sign of hope in a world so often fraught with despair. A priest’s hopeful gaze becomes a profound witness to God’s unconditional love, especially in a culture filled with suspicion and fear.
This concept is inspired by Father Jacques Philippe’s book “Priestly Fatherhood,” which describes the welcoming and patient love of a father for his child. The priest’s hope is expressed through their gaze, which is not an idle or indifferent watch but a vigilant one that guards against threats while steadfastly hoping for the good of the child.
The hopeful gaze of the priest reflects the love of the Father of the Prodigal Son, who patiently surveys the horizon for any sign of his return. This gaze is beautifully illustrated in films like “The Son” and is a powerful tool for restoration and renewal. The confessional, too, offers an opportunity for priests to share their merciful gaze with penitents, inviting them to repentance and renewal.
For priests to be men of unconditional hope who never give up on others, they must first experience that same hope themselves. Devout Catholics can support priestly vocations by praying for vocations and encouraging young men to consider the priesthood while also showing hope in their priests. By doing so, we can help them become faithful shepherds and spiritual fathers in a world longing for hope.
In this Jubilee Year of Hope, let us pray for priests and support them with the same hopeful gaze we desire to receive from them. This will help them become instruments of restoration and renewal, bringing dignity and renewed trust to those under their care.