Netflix is launching its highly-anticipated second season of “Squid Game” on Thursday, accompanied by a free mobile game called “Squid Game: Unleashed.” The game is available for both Netflix subscribers and non-subscribers alike, marking a unique move by the company.
“Squid Game: Unleashed” features fast-paced action and brutal competition in a 32-player online battle royale game inspired by the series. To encourage viewers to binge-watch new episodes of “Squid Game,” Netflix is offering free in-game rewards for each episode watched.
The eight in-game rewards include cash, wild tokens, and exclusive items like the “Binni Binge-Watcher” outfit. Players can earn these rewards without watching an entire season of the show, with some prizes given out immediately upon starting a new episode.
This strategy aims to test the power of combining Netflix’s massive TV fandom with its fledgling mobile games business to enhance both aspects of its subscription offering. With “Squid Game: Unleashed” and Season 2 dropping on Thursday, fans can engage with both the show and game simultaneously and reap the benefits.