“BPA exposure in womb linked to autism in boys”

Florey researchers have found higher levels of bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic chemical, in pregnant mothers who gave birth to sons with autism. The study published in Nature Communications suggests a possible link between BPA exposure during pregnancy and autism in offspring.

The research analyzed two large birth cohorts in Australia and the USA, finding that exposure to BPA during pregnancy was associated with subsequent autism in children. BPA can disrupt hormone-controlled male fetal brain development by silencing the aromatase enzyme, which is crucial for fetal male brain development.

The study found a link between BPA presence and autism in boys with lower levels of the aromatase enzyme. In laboratory work, researchers discovered that prenatal BPA exposure suppressed the aromatase enzyme and was associated with anatomical, neurological, and behavioral changes consistent with autism spectrum disorder.

This research identified a biological pathway that may explain the connection between autism and BPA. The study also explored ways to reduce the adverse effect of BPA on the aromatase system, suggesting that a type of fatty acid called 10- hydroxy-2-decenoic acid may be worth further investigation as a potential treatment for autism.
Source: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240807/Higher-BPA-levels-in-pregnant-mothers-linked-to-autism-in-sons.aspx