COVID-19 Virus Found in Shawnee County Wastewater Samples

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported high levels of COVID-19 in wastewater samples in Shawnee County, Kansas. According to the CDC, communities can track the presence of the virus through wastewater samples.

Four wastewater sheds in Shawnee County monitor the levels of COVID-19 in their areas. Three of them showed levels between 60-70%, while Sewershed 833, which serves a population of 40,000, had levels ranging from 80-100%. This shed alone accounts for approximately 15% of Shawnee County’s total population.

When all four wastewater sheds are combined, the overall virus concentration level in Shawnee County is 66.67%. The CDC recommends checking local respiratory illness levels and following recommendations when virus levels rise in a community.
