Minecraft Map Maker Uses OpenStreetMap Data for Easy Creation

Gamers have long been fascinated with recreating real-world locations in Minecraft, but creating them from scratch can take hundreds of hours. This is where Arnis comes in, an open-source project that allows users to generate highly detailed Minecraft maps using geographic data from OpenStreetMap with just a few keystrokes.

Developed by Louis Erbkamm, Arnis can be run through either a graphical interface or on the command line, requiring only the latitude and longitude of a bounding box around the desired area. However, the process is computationally heavy, so users are advised to start with small areas.

Once generated, the map can be loaded into Minecraft’s Java Edition, allowing players to explore their recreated towns in the game. The tool still has some features that need improvement, but Louis welcomes community assistance to make Arnis as capable as possible.

This project is a refreshing example of how reality is being brought into Minecraft’s blocky world. With its ease of use and potential for customization, Arnis offers a new way for gamers to engage with the game.

Source: https://hackaday.com/2024/12/30/bringing-openstreetmap-data-into-minecraft