A new study reveals that incorporating just one extra hour of walking into your daily routine can significantly boost your lifespan by six hours, even for those considered the least active in the US.
Researchers from Griffith University analyzed wearable activity data from over 5,000 volunteers and found that among individuals in the lowest activity quartile, an additional hour of walking added approximately 6.3 hours to life expectancy.
The study suggests that if all Americans were as active as the top 25 percent of the population, they could live an extra five years on average. The researchers emphasize that any amount of exercise makes a difference to health and well-being, regardless of intensity or duration.
While some may find it challenging to commit to daily hour-long walks, even small amounts of physical activity can have substantial benefits. Experts stress the importance of creating environments that promote physical activity, such as walkable neighborhoods and affordable public transport systems.
By increasing investment in promoting physical activity, researchers hope to not only extend lifespans but also alleviate pressure on healthcare systems and reduce environmental impact.
Source: https://www.sciencealert.com/a-single-one-hour-daily-walk-could-add-six-hours-to-your-lifespan