Focus Features’ “Nosferatu” has bitten into the Christmas box office, sinking its teeth into the top spots at both no. 3 and no. 5 at the domestic box office. This gothic tale of vampiric obsession, produced by Robert Eggers, saw a $21.5 million over the three-day weekend and a $40.3 million gross over the five-day Christmas frame on 2,982 screens.
The film’s performance is a significant indicator that theatrical is back for a broader range of movies – particularly horror films during the holiday season. With the overall box office down just 3.5% compared to last year, indies are playing a crucial role in lifting the tide.
Having the holiday fall on a Wednesday proved to be a gift for distributors, as it allowed them to capitalize on long weekend crowds and maximize their marketing efforts. The film’s success also underscores the importance of niche marketing campaigns, such as those focused on upscale period pieces with stunning cinematography like “Nosferatu”.
The film’s turnout was heavy across demographics, with 65% of the audience falling between 18-34 years old. A notable 40% of ticket buyers attended due to subject matter alone, while fans of musical biopics in general also showed up.
Similar trends were seen with another top performer, “A Man Called Otto”, starring Timothée Chalamet as an enigmatic 19-year-old from Minnesota. The film’s broad appeal and successful marketing campaign helped it hold steady day-to-day without major drop-offs.
As the holiday season continues to unfold, it will be interesting to see how these niche films perform against the backdrop of blockbuster franchises and superhero movies. For now, however, “Nosferatu” and “A Man Called Otto” serve as a reminder that there is still room for substantial, well-crafted films in theaters this year.