As I reflect on Christmases past, one memory stands out – that of a 10-year-old boy named Paul, who visited me at my home with his foster father Landon. Paul had been removed from his family due to trauma and was struggling to adjust to our household. Despite the difficulties, he quickly bonded with Landon and began to heal.
However, as the years went by, it became clear that Paul needed more than just love and support – he required a stable environment to help him overcome his trauma. I did my best to provide him with counseling sessions and a supportive home, but ultimately, I realized that I couldn’t give him everything he needed.
After saying goodbye to Paul on New Year’s Day, I was filled with regret and sadness. But as I looked back on the experience, I knew I had made the right decision for his well-being.
Inspired by my experiences, I started a “Buddy Bag Program” – collecting suitcases and bags for foster children arriving at our doorstep. The program aims to provide these children with a sense of pride and confidence, knowing they have their own belongings and something friendly to focus on.
Recently, I heard that Paul is doing well in his new home, thanks to a loving mother who understands the challenges he faces. Her guidance and support have helped him thrive academically and emotionally.
As we approach Christmas, I’m reminded of the importance of love, respect, and hope for these vulnerable children. They need more than just kindness – they require validation that their lives are valuable and worth fighting for.
The message behind the babe in the manger is one of salvation and redemption, offering a glimmer of hope that life can be different. It’s a promise we can pay forward to those around us, especially our foster children, who deserve nothing but the best from us.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all, may your lives be filled with love, respect, and joy.