Bedbugs Found on Multiple Turkish Airlines Flights

Passengers have come forward alleging that they were bitten by bedbugs during flights operated by Turkish Airlines in 2024. One woman claimed to have photographed a bedbug on her seat and alerted a flight attendant, who removed the bug but showed little concern. Despite receiving no response from the airline, she continued to raise her concerns.

Two other passengers reported encountering bedbugs on October flights in and out of Istanbul. In one incident, bugs allegedly fell from the ceiling, while another woman claimed to have been bitten 13 times upon landing. Turkish Airlines did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Airlines face significant challenges when dealing with insect infestations. The process requires bringing the aircraft to a maintenance base for treatment, which can take up to five days and cost upwards of $125,000 in lost revenue.

The lack of regulation around airline compensation for insect-related issues means that passengers have limited recourse. Their options include contacting the airline’s customer service department or pursuing small claims court. However, Turkish Airlines did offer one passenger a 10% discount on a future flight, although the offer expired in December 2024.
