Passengers on multiple Turkish Airlines flights reported encountering bedbugs during their journeys, with some claiming that the carrier downplayed the infestations. A recent report from The New York Times highlights several instances of passengers finding bedbugs in their seats or cabin.
Turkish Airlines did not immediately respond to a request for comment, sparking concerns among affected passengers. Some reported noticing bugs before departure, while others discovered them during the flight. In one instance, a passenger claimed that a flight attendant dismissed their concerns about a bug crawling up their seat.
The airline later offered a 10% discount on future flights to a passenger who had filed a complaint. However, some passengers have expressed frustration with the carrier’s response, including one woman who was asked to provide medical proof of bedbug bites and was eventually offered just 5,000 frequent flier miles.
Bedbugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate and can be easily transferred through luggage. Airlines face significant challenges in treating infestations, which require extensive cleaning and disinfection processes that can take up to five days and cost upwards of $125,000.
Turkish Airlines operates nearly 400 airplanes across over 300 destinations, including flights to several American cities like New York. The airline’s lack of transparency and response to the bedbug issue has raised concerns among passengers, who are seeking greater accountability from the carrier.