Google Returns ‘Too Many Requests’ Error for 429 Users

Google has been returning a “Too Many Requests” error, specifically the 429 status code, to certain users. This issue is usually caused by excessive HTTP requests made from a single IP address within a short period.

The exact cause of this problem can vary depending on several factors such as network congestion, server overload, or even individual user behavior. In some cases, it may be due to malicious activities like botnet attacks or large-scale scraping operations.

To resolve the issue, Google recommends users to wait for a short period before attempting to access the service again. If the error persists, users can try contacting their internet service provider (ISP) to investigate any potential network issues.

In most cases, this problem does not indicate any underlying security vulnerability or malicious activity. It is generally considered an acceptable and temporary issue that resolves on its own after a short while.
