How to Recover from Malware Infected Chrome Extension and Secure Your Devices

Recently, I discovered a malicious Chrome extension on my system that had infected one of its 33 known malware-ridden extensions. I followed steps to remove the extension, clean up Chrome, update antivirus software, and change passwords to ensure my systems are safe.

First, I checked if any other extensions listed as malware in my Chrome security dialog were installed and removed them. Then, I checked Chrome’s safety features, such as Enhanced Protection and real-time data sharing with Safe Browsing. Next, I cleared all browsing data and cookies to prevent potential malware from accessing sensitive information.

I also ran a full scan on Windows machines using Microsoft Defender antivirus software to detect and remove any malicious threats. For Macs, XProtect antimalware technology proved effective against mainstream threats, rendering the need for third-party antivirus software unnecessary.

After completing these steps, I felt fairly sure my systems were secure. While recovering from malware infection wasn’t exactly how I wanted to spend my Sunday, it’s an essential step in maintaining device security.
