Ancient Observatory Role of Rujm el-Hiri Challenged

A new study published in the journal Remote Sensing has challenged the widely held theory that the ancient site of Rujm el-Hiri, located in the Golan Heights, was used as an astronomical observatory. The research team, led by Dr. Olga Khabarova and Prof. Lev Eppelbaum from Tel Aviv University, found that the site’s orientation has changed significantly over 150 million years due to geological movements.

The study employed geophysical methods and remote sensing techniques to analyze the site’s current alignment and compare it with its original position. The researchers concluded that the entrances and radial walls of Rujm el-Hiri no longer align with celestial observations, questioning its role as an observatory.

However, the team did discover unique landscape features around the site, including circular structures with agricultural or herding purposes, burial mounds, and round enclosures approximately 20 meters in diameter. These findings suggest that Rujm el-Hiri was used for agricultural or herding activities, rather than astronomy.

The study provides new insights into ancient life in the Golan Heights and reopens questions about the site’s purpose. The research team concludes that their study enriches our knowledge of ancient life in the area, opening a window to understanding Rujm el-Hiri.
