Ukraine’s Surprise Attack on Russian Troops in Kursk Oblast

Ukrainian forces launched a surprise attack on Russian troops in western Russia’s Kursk Oblast, a 250-square-mile salient held by Ukrainian forces since August. Despite being outnumbered three-to-one, the Ukrainians advanced two miles into enemy territory.

Fighting intensified around the village of Berdin, with both sides exchanging fire and using drones to target each other. A Ukrainian crew turned their Stryker infantry fighting vehicle into a weapon, running over at least one Russian soldier trying to flee.

Video footage shows the Stryker accelerating across a snow-blanketed field, turning sharply to line up on exposed Russian soldiers. The reason behind this unusual tactic is unclear.

Experts suggest that Ukrainians may have advanced quickly enough to cut off isolated Russian positions. Alternatively, the crew might have jammed their vehicle’s gun or acted out of bloodlust, driven by hatred for the enemy.

The incident highlights the morale and will to fight of Ukrainian forces. A generation ago, American officers needed men with an adequate hatred of Germans to win in North Africa. It seems Ukrainians may be quicker to internalize this sentiment, given their recent experience as civilians turned soldiers.

1. Ukrainian air assault forces
2. David Axe
