Park City Ski Patrollers Reach Deal to End Strike

Park City Mountain Resort’s ski patrollers have reached a tentative deal with the resort’s corporate owner, Vail Resorts, to end their nearly two-week strike. The agreement will resume normal operations and lift lines at the busiest time of year.

The strike, which began on December 27, was sparked by the parkers’ demands for better pay and benefits. The Park City Professional Ski Patrollers Association had sought a pay increase from $21 to $23 an hour, citing that $27 is a livable wage in the area. Vail Resorts offered a 4% pay increase for most patrollers and $1,600 annually for equipment.

Industry experts say a union win could lead to better pay for other ski workers. Alex Kaufman, a former ski resort marketing executive, notes that when one group of employees secures a fair contract, it can create a “rising tide lifts all boats” effect, benefiting the entire industry.

The agreement was reached after long negotiations, which drew attention during a busy time at the resort. While some skiers have expressed sympathy for the workers, others have criticized Vail Resorts for overplaying its hand.

The deal will be ratified by parkers on Wednesday, and it is expected to bring an end to the strike. With the agreement in place through April 2027, parkers can look forward to restoring normal operations and working together as a team.
