Scientists at the University of Birmingham have released a video showcasing the largest dinosaur trackway ever found in Great Britain. The discovery, located at Dewars Farm Quarry in Oxfordshire, consists of 200 large footprints from two types of dinosaurs that lived nearly 166 million years ago.
The trackways were discovered by a worker who stumbled upon them while clearing away clay with a backhoe last summer. Since then, a team of over 100 scientists, students, and volunteers have been working to identify and analyze the tracks. Drone footage has helped create detailed 3D models of the area, providing new insights into the environment in which these dinosaurs lived.
The trackways are significant because they provide unique information about how the animals moved and their surroundings. “We can learn about how the animal moved… We can know exactly what the environment they lived in was like,” said Professor Richard Butler, a paleobiologist at the University of Birmingham.
Only a portion of the quarry has been excavated, but researchers believe that the tracks could extend even further. The discovery is a major breakthrough for understanding these dinosaurs and their ecosystems, shedding new light on the ancient world.