The term “corporate wellness” is gaining traction as businesses recognize the importance of providing employees with cutting-edge wellness solutions. As a MindBody clinician, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects of chronic conditions on individuals and companies.
According to the National Library of Medicine, chronic pain and diseases account for most disabilities in the US, resulting in billions of dollars in lost productivity. This “epidemic” affects industries across the board, making it essential for companies to address this issue.
Understanding Chronic Symptoms in the Workplace
When lecturing to corporations, I emphasize the impact of chronic symptoms on employees. Many people struggle with back pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, and other conditions that can significantly affect their well-being. After burnout from various treatments, some become resigned to their condition, believing there’s no solution.
The human body has a “reservoir” for stress, emotional world, and stored trauma, which can overflow and trigger pain signals. However, the brain is capable of re wiring itself through new neural pathways, allowing us to overcome chronic symptoms.
My Journey with MindBody Medicine and Empowered Self-Healing Strategies
I began my career with Dr. John Sarno’s groundbreaking theories on brain science behind chronic illness. Since then, I’ve developed a global community of self-healers using his theories and practices to regulate the nervous system and reduce stress. My upcoming book, MIND YOUR BODY, offers a comprehensive guide to corporate culture and productivity.
Tools like JournalSpeak and the ANSR framework can help employees manage chronic symptoms. Expressive writing can transform physical pain by moving from fight or flight to rest and repair. The ANSR framework provides a structured path to process emotions and release them amidst workplace dynamics.
The Power of Agency in Corporate Health and Wellness
We have immense power over our physical and emotional health, and it’s essential for businesses to recognize this. By embracing agency, companies can create supportive work environments that boost individual well-being and overall performance. Effective chronic pain management strategies not only enhance employees’ lives but also benefit the corporation.
As a MindBody clinician, I’m committed to fostering healthier workplaces where employees can thrive both personally and professionally.