Are you tired of procrastination and lack of self-control? Building greater self-discipline can be as simple as altering your environment or leveraging the power of reinforcement, future thinking, implementation intentions, role models, and muscle-building. Here are five evidence-based methods to help you enhance your self- discipline.
Firstly, take advantage of each instance of self-discipline by reinforcing it with something enjoyable or appreciative. This can be as simple as recognizing your accomplishment and congratulating yourself. By doing so, you’ll be more likely to exhibit the behavior in the future.
Secondly, picture yourself at some point in the future having reaped the benefits of exercising self-discipline now. For example, imagine yourself in a better job or enjoying a promotion as a result of consistently tackling dreaded tasks. This mental exercise can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.
Thirdly, create implementation intentions by setting rules for yourself to follow in specific situations. For instance, when you’re assigned a task you dislike, start working on it the same day. By pre-deciding how you’ll respond, you’ll remove the need to decide in each situation, reducing the likelihood of making a decision that involves a lack of self-discipline.
Fourthly, find someone who embodies self-discipline and imagine what they would do in similar situations. Research has shown that picturing a role model for self- discipline can boost your own self-control.
Lastly, build your self-discipline by practicing acts of self-control that are not overwhelming. Identify situations where you feel confident you can exhibit self-control and intentionally enact those situations to strengthen your ability to exert self-control in more challenging circumstances.
By incorporating these five strategies into your daily life, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your self-discipline and reaping the benefits that come with it.