Fortnite x Godzilla x Kong Collaboration: Where to Find Titans

The Fortnite universe has expanded once again with the arrival of two legendary titans, Godzilla and Kong. This crossover event allows players to become Godzilla during a match and use its powerful abilities. However, finding these creatures can be challenging.

To find Godzilla in Fortnite, keep an eye on the minimap for the Hollow Earth Rift Gate, which appears randomly between 3:45 minutes and 4 minutes into the match. The portal spawns around the first circle of the match, with a signal that attracts players to it. The first player to enter the portal transforms into Godzilla, who can demolish areas with its heat ray but moves slowly.

There is also a 25% chance that Kong will spawn during a match at a random location. If Kong appears on the battle bus, the Godzilla portal is guaranteed to appear. However, if Kong doesn’t show up, getting the portal is not guaranteed. When Kong spawns, he drops supply crates and disappears back into the rift, containing useful items like railguns.

While searching for these titans, keep in mind that their appearances are unpredictable. Stay alert, and you may find yourself ruling the battle royale island as Godzilla.
