New Podcasts, Gaming Debates, and Life Projects Ahead

The world of gaming has seen a new podcast emerge, “Total Playtime”, hosted by Alice Bell, Nate Crowley, and Jon Hicks. The trio brings their unique perspectives to the table, discussing video games and more.

In a recent interview with Inkle’s Jon Ingold in the New York Times, he discussed his views on video game writing. Ingold believes that most writing is either empty or overly verbose, citing Disco Elysium as an example of such tendencies. He acknowledges that his taste in writing is “fussy” and only criticizes specific studios.

Meanwhile, a German MMO has gained attention for its Pokémon fangame. The game, which allows players to create their own stories, has become a community hub for fans.

In other news, Nintendo’s latest Switch 2 reveal has sparked concerns that the company may be closing in on a new form factor. The worry is that we’ve reached the end of traditional console design and won’t see innovative designs from Nintendo again.

Journalist Alexis Madrigal recently discussed the concept of having a “life project”. This idea suggests that creative people engage in larger, overarching projects that tie their work together. Whether or not this concept applies to everyone remains to be seen, but it’s an interesting perspective on finding purpose and direction in one’s life.
