Starbucks Bringing Back Traditional Practices Amid Flinging Model Shift

Starbucks is rolling back some of its mobile-first tactics as part of a broader effort to transform its stores into more traditional coffee shops. Under new leadership, baristas are now using mugs instead of printed labels and serving drinks in-house, practices that were common before the company shifted to a chaotic, low-touch model. Analysts have noted these changes already taking root at some locations.

The company has also introduced free refills for certain on-site drinks and reverted to a self-serve condiment bar. To help customers conserve, new bathroom rules now require codes to enter, while nonpaying customers must exit the store. Early reactions from customers, like Danilo Gargiulo of Bernstein, suggest the brand is finally starting to feel more familiar.

Despite these positive signs, Starbucks faces significant challenges in its attempt to turn things around. The company still grapples with a mobile-first model that’s become deeply ingrained, and many stores haven’t fully embraced the new direction yet. Analysts believe it will take time for customers to adjust and appreciate the traditional feel of the shops.

For now, Starbucks is hoping these incremental changes will hint at a larger shift in customer behavior. While some hiccups remain possible, like delays in implementing rules or label reintroduction, the early indicators are promising for the brand’s efforts to regain its footing.
