B&B’s Luna Paternity Twist Sparks Fan Theory

The Bold and the Beautiful has been focused on uncovering Luna’s father for a year, but a recent DNA test may lead to a shocking revelation. The show initially suspected Jack as Luna’s father, but a DNA test proved he wasn’t her dad. However, Jack’s son Finn is now in the running to be Luna’s father.

Fans are confused by this twist, and some have even raised an eyebrow at the lack of familial connection between Jack and Luna in the initial DNA test. One fan theorizes that Jack might not be Finn’s biological father, citing that a familial DNA match should have existed between them.

Another fan points to Sheila’s history of manipulation, suggesting she may have lied to Jack about his paternity. This theory gains credibility when considering Sheila’s past actions and her tendency to get involved in people’s lives when she becomes obsessed.

As the storyline unfolds, fans can expect more drama and twists, especially with Finn and Poppy’s admission of intimacy. The show has dropped subtle hints that Finn might be Luna’s father, making this paternity storyline a complex and intriguing one.

Source: https://soaphub.com/the-bold-and-the-beautiful/commentary-bold-beautiful/twist-what-if-jack-isnt-finns-dad