Rihanna Supports A$AP Rocky at His LA Trial

Rihanna made a public appearance at the trial of her partner, rapper A$AP Rocky, in Los Angeles on Wednesday. The singer sat quietly but firmly in the audience as key testimony unfolded about the alleged shooting that led to Rocky’s current charges.

A$AP Relli, also known as Terell Ephron, testified about the night in November 2021 when he and Rocky had a confrontation on a Hollywood street. According to Relli, Rocky pointed a gun at him before walking away, but later pulled it out again and fired multiple shots.

Rihanna’s presence may have overshadowed some of the testimony, with many eyes in the courtroom shifting towards her. The singer wore a long black dress and oversized glasses as she watched the proceedings calmly.

Rocky’s lawyer has argued that the gunshots were from a starter pistol, not a real firearm, and that Relli knew this to be true. However, Relli testified under prosecution questioning that he had been grazed by a bullet and was fearful because of death threats he received since testifying against Rocky.

The case is ongoing, with Rocky facing up to 24 years in prison if convicted. Rihanna’s support for her partner has been well-documented in the past, including during his previous trial in Sweden, where he faced similar charges.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/rihanna-appears-trial-aap-rocky-outshines-key-testimony-118262131