The New York Times’ popular daily word game, Connections, has a new puzzle out for you to solve. Here’s a breakdown of the hints and answers provided.
The yellow group is labeled as “feeling low” and consists of four words: BLUE, DOWN, HANGDOG, and SORRY. These words are linked by their negative connotations. The green group is made up of bird-related verbs, including DUCK, GROUSE, HAWK, and SWALLOW. The blue group consists of TV comedy families, which includes GRIFFIN, MUNSTER, PARTRIDGE, and PICKLES. The purple group contains words after the letter “K”, such as MART, POP, STREET, and SWISS.
In today’s game, Kris Holt solved the puzzle by deducing that MUNSTER, GRIFFIN, and PARTRIDGE were connected to TV families. He also correctly identified that the yellow group consisted of words related to feelings of sadness or regret.
If you’re having trouble with the game, feel free to check out the NYT’s Connections archive, which includes every previous game. You can also find hints for specific games via Google by searching for the date and game name.