Apple-Approved Porn App “Hot Tub” Available on AltStore PAL

The first Apple-notarized porn app, “Hot Tub,” is now available for download on the alternative app marketplace AltStore PAL. The app, developed by c1d3r, has passed Apple’s notarization process and allows users to access adult content securely.

AltStore PAL launched in April 2024 as an alternative app marketplace for iOS users in the EU, initially created to distribute non-Apple-approved apps. To comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), Apple now requires sideloading of apps through third-party platforms, which can offer adult content.

The “Hot Tub” app is described as an ad-free adult content browser and has been approved by Apple for notarization. However, it does not mean the app has been approved for the official App Store. Users must explicitly add the app’s source to see it in AltStore PAL.

AltStore announced that it will donate all Patreon earnings from the app to organizations supporting sex workers and the LGBTQ+ community. Apple expressed concerns about the safety risks of hardcore porn apps, stating that they undermine consumer trust and confidence in their ecosystem.

Note: The app is not visible by default in AltStore PAL and users must take steps to add its source to access it.
