Camp Hill Virus Found in US Shrews, Raises Pandemic Concerns

A new coronavirus, closely related to the deadly Nipah virus, has been discovered in shrews found in Alabama, sparking concerns about its potential spread to humans. The virus, called Camp Hill virus, is part of the henipavirus family and can cause serious diseases in both animals and people.

Researchers at the University of Queensland have confirmed the discovery of the virus in northern short-tailed shrews, a small mammal common in Canada and the US. While further research is needed to determine if the Camp Hill virus poses a risk to humans, scientists are warning that shrew-to-human transmission is possible, as seen with Langya virus in China.

The henipavirus family includes other viruses like Hendra and Nipah, which have been linked to severe respiratory and neurological issues. With bats being the primary carriers of these viruses, there is concern about their potential spread to humans.
