Avian Flu Outbreak: Caution Advised for Visitors

The Forest Preserve District in Illinois is warning visitors about the risk of avian flu, detected in the state. To avoid getting sick or exposed to the disease, follow these guidelines:

Avoid touching or approaching dead or sick animals, including pets that may come into contact with their carcasses or feces and feathers.

The Centers for Disease Control has reported 67 human cases of bird flu, with one death. Avian flu is more common in areas with large bird populations, such as farms and zoos.

If you encounter a dead bird, wear rubber gloves and a mask, then dispose of it safely by double-bagging the carcass in sealed plastic bags and burying or disposing of them through local waste services.

Report any sightings of five or more sick or dead wild birds to local wildlife biologists or 866-487-3297. The Forest Preserve District will also accept reports at 815-727-8700, which will be passed along to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Source: https://www.reconnectwithnature.org/news-events/news/avoid-sick-or-dead-wildlife-due-to-avian-flu-risk