How to Get Finality’s Auger Exotic in Destiny 2’s Sundered Doctrine Dungeon

Destiny 2’s newest dungeon, Sundered Doctrine, has arrived, bringing with it a new Exotic weapon: Finality’s Auger. This linear fusion rifle behaves differently than expected and offers some unique features. Here’s everything you need to know about getting your hands on this exciting new gun.

Finality’s Auger is only available in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon, which requires the Final Shape Dungeon Key. You can purchase this key for 2,000 Silver, Destiny 2’s in-game currency, or buy it in-game for around $20. Accessing the dungeon will give you a chance to obtain the Exotic as a random drop from the final boss.

To guarantee getting Finality’s Auger, you must complete Sundered Doctrine during Contest mode, a challenging mode available during the first 48 hours of the dungeon’s release. If you miss Contest mode, you can try replaying the dungeon normally and check for Triumphs that increase the Exotic drop rate.

After acquiring Finality’s Auger, players need to unlock its Catalyst by completing Triumphs on Master difficulty with a fireteam. The Catalyst will enhance the gun’s power by adding the Bait and Switch perk, which deals additional damage when switching between two weapons.

Unfortunately, Finality’s Auger is not farmable in the classical sense. Each character has one chance per week to earn it through activities like the Dungeon run. If you miss this opportunity, you can try selling it to Xur or wait for the weekly reset.

Finality’s Auger comes equipped with a special perk that creates a turret named Runescribe’s Forge. This turret shoots nearby targets and becomes more powerful when players paint targets with the weapon. The gun also features a secondary perk called Runescribe’s Beacon, which enhances the turret’s abilities.

Overall, Finality’s Auger offers an exciting new gameplay mechanic for Destiny 2 players to enjoy.
