Steam Bans Mobile Gaming Advertising-Based Business Models

Valve has updated its developer guidelines for releasing a game on Steam, making it clear that mobile gaming advertising-based business models are not allowed. The change comes after the update was already listed on their pricing page and has now been made more visible with its own dedicated section.

According to Valve’s new guidelines, paid advertising is only allowed outside of the game itself. Developers cannot use paid advertising to gate gameplay behind ads or require players to watch or engage with ads to play. This includes removing elements that rely on advertising from other platforms before shipping on Steam.

The update also bans using advertising as a way to provide value to players. Additionally, developers should not charge other developers for access to Steam features such as sale pages, bundles, and store pages.

This change aims to prevent the annoyance of mobile games requiring players to watch ads before accessing game content. Valve’s move is seen as a positive step for the community, with many praising the platform’s efforts to reduce user annoyances.

The ban on mobile gaming advertising-based business models could have significant implications for the industry, particularly for developers who rely on these models. However, it’s unlikely that popular titles like Fortnite and Valorant will leave Steam for rival platforms.
