Ancient Tree Reveals Earth’s Magnetic Field Reversal 42,000 Years Ago

A 2021 study published in the journal Science has uncovered a previously unknown event where the Earth’s magnetic field went haywire 42,000 years ago. The discovery was made using a perfectly preserved ancient tree fossil found in New Zealand, which offered an unprecedented view into the environmental conditions during that time.

The study, led by Chris Turney and Alan Cooper, used radiocarbon data from the ancient tree to create a novel timeline of the Earth’s atmosphere across the period of the Laschamps Excursion. The results revealed a depleted ozone layer, higher levels of ultraviolet radiation, and increased atmospheric ionization.

The team suggested that this event, dubbed the “Adams Transitional Geomagnetic Event,” may have led to an influx of cave art, as humans sought shelter from the increased UV rays. The study also proposed links between the event and the extinction of megafauna species in Australia and the demise of Neanderthals.

The findings offer novel insights into how the world would be affected if a similar event were to happen today. With the Earth’s magnetic field weakening by 9% in the past 170 years, experts warn that an upcoming reversal could have devastating consequences for modern society.
