Turtles Map Favorite Spots Using Earth’s Magnetic Field

Scientists have discovered that some turtles use Earth’s magnetic field to create a personal map of their favorite spots. This new finding is significant because it shows that these animals can not only navigate using the magnetic field, but also plot a mental map featuring important locations such as nesting and feeding sites.

Researchers led by Kayla Goforth of the University of North Carolina conducted an experiment where they put young loggerhead turtles in a tank surrounded by a magnetic coil that replicated the magnetic field of the Atlantic Ocean. The turtles were fed only when they received information about one specific area, causing them to exhibit a behavior known as the “turtle dance.” This behavior was observed even four months later, suggesting that the turtles had learned to associate certain areas with food.

The researchers found that the turtles’ ability to map their surroundings using magnetoreception is separate from their inner compass. They proposed a hypothesis that the compass sense relies on chemical magnetoreception, while the map sense relies on an alternative mechanism. This theory is supported by findings in other migratory animals such as birds and amphibians.

The exact mechanism behind the turtles’ ability to detect magnetic fields remains unknown. However, researchers have identified one possible explanation: a chemical reaction between light-sensitive molecules that can detect the magnetic field’s influence during this process.

Source: https://www.sciencealert.com/sea-turtles-dance-to-orientate-with-earths-magnetic-field-study-reveals