Researchers have identified a strategy that could help boost resilience in the face of uncertainty and stress, dubbed “lemonading.” This concept involves embracing playfulness to cope with life’s challenges. A study published in Frontiers in Psychology found that individuals with higher levels of spontaneity and lower inhibitions were more optimistic about the future and saw obstacles as opportunities for growth.
Playfulness can be cultivated through simple actions like dedicating a few minutes daily to playful activities, engaging in creative pursuits, or exploring new places. A drama therapist, Holly Stoppit, recommends exercises such as “Bafflement,” which involves investigating objects without prior knowledge, and “Note of Infinity,” which induces excitement by waving hands while making a low-pitched note.
Practicing playfulness can also help individuals approach everyday tasks with a fresh perspective. By starting small, trying new approaches to familiar routines, or taking random detours during daily life, people can build their creativity reserve for future challenges.