Captain America Faces New Threats in Marvel’s “Brave New World”

President Thaddeus Ross, aka the Thunderbolt, becomes a powerful rage monster after being diagnosed with a failing heart and given gamma-infused pills by villain Samuel Sterns. The plan backfires when Captain America (Sam Wilson) foils Sterns’ World War III gamble, but not before the two men clash in an epic battle that decimates the White House.

In the aftermath, Ross resigns and is sentenced to life imprisonment at the Raft, a super-prison where he was also held Sam and other heroes in “Captain America: Civil War.” The film’s post-credits scene sees Ross issue a chilling warning to Captain America and other heroes: they are not alone in protecting this world, and a bigger threat is coming from beyond their own universe.

The movie sets the stage for upcoming Marvel films, including “Thunderbolts” and “Avengers: Secret Wars,” which promises an epic battle between heroes and villains from across the multiverse.
