Scientists have developed a new technique to measure the quantum state of electrons ejected from atoms after absorbing high-energy light pulses, offering insights into how light interacts with matter. The breakthrough, achieved by researchers at Lund University in Sweden, enables precise measurement of the quantum properties of photoelectrons, which can help understand various research fields.
The technique involves creating a 3D image of the electron’s quantum state using short laser pulses, reconstructing it slice by slice from multiple angles. This method surpasses previous methods in measuring the full quantum state of the photoelectron, providing more comprehensive information about the target material than traditional photoelectron spectroscopy.
Researchers tested their technique on simple atoms like helium and argon, demonstrating that the photoelectron’s quantum state varies based on the material it comes from. This discovery can aid in understanding various materials properties and potentially lead to new applications of quantum technology.
The researchers’ achievement is significant, as it enables physicists to exploit the quantum properties of photoelectrons for future applications. The technique is connected to ongoing research in attosecond science and spectroscopy with quantum information and quantum technology.