Airbus Hydrogen Plane Program Delayed Amid Lack of Regulation

Airbus has admitted to delaying its hydrogen plane program, a move that comes as a stark contrast to the company’s earlier claims about its progress. The delay raises questions about the company’s commitment to reducing emissions and meeting climate goals.

The €15 billion investment in the program, which is supposed to be commercialized within 10 years, has been criticized for lacking regulation and oversight. Without binding regulations, it is unlikely that the program can meet the necessary standards of environmental sustainability.

This delay highlights the need for governments to take action and provide more targeted funding to support the development of zero-emission aircraft. This could include exempting electric flying from airport charges, giving them free slots, and prioritizing their use on publicly funded routes.

The European aircraft manufacturing industry faces a challenging future, with China set to enter the clean aviation market in earnest. Airbus’s delay has sent a message that the company is more focused on profit maximization than reducing emissions.

The Paris Air Show in June will likely be a test of whether the industry can live up to its promises of green aviation. Will it be a celebration of innovation or a farcical spectacle? The outcome depends on governments and their willingness to provide support for the development of zero-emission aircraft.
