As a father and resident of Santa Monica, I recently found myself reminiscing about the 1990s with my precocious 10-year-old. We shared cultural events like movies and albums as focal points, and everyday life seemed more affordable. Perhaps we can revisit that simpler time? However, it’s essential to acknowledge the progress made on issues such as LGBTQ+ rights and racial equality, which have improved but still face challenges.
The internet has enabled access to vast information with limited validity control, leading to echo chambers of belief. This phenomenon is evident in the polarized opinions of hosts like Maddow, Hannity, and Limbaugh. They start with an assumption and build a rational argument, making it challenging for those who disagree to find common ground.
I recently discovered that my wife’s TikTok safe space was filled with young people eager to vote, which gave me hope for the future. However, this optimism is tempered by concerns about voting machine security and the potential for misinformation.
The notion of going back in time is a tantalizing prospect, but it’s essential to acknowledge that our current reality is complex and multifaceted. As we navigate this period of great change, it’s crucial to support our local leaders and engage in constructive dialogue. By doing so, we can work towards mending a deeply divided nation.
In Santa Monica, the recent return of council members backed by the progressive agenda has brought both excitement and trepidation. The city must now address pressing issues like safety and habitability while navigating competing interests. As a democracy, we must learn to listen to each other’s voices and criticism, even when we disagree.
As we embark on this uncertain journey, I fear that the new president will bring a rollercoaster of challenges. Nevertheless, I remain hopeful that our democracy can survive this tumultuous period and emerge stronger.